
Top White-Collar Crime Attorneys in Arizona

Are you facing a theft or fraud charge?

OUR Theft Crime Lawyers Are On Your Side

Theft, Fraud, and White Collar Crimes

If you are facing criminal charges for theft, fraud, and white-collar crimes like money laundering, racketeering, robbery, shoplifting, false reporting, extortion, or forgery, it is crucial to carefully plan your next steps. The laws related to these particular crimes can be incredibly complex, and even a genuine mistake can result in serious criminal penalties. For this reason, attempting to launch a defense yourself is typically ill-advised. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your criminal charges, reaching out to a defense attorney is nearly always the best course of action.

Don’t wait to secure formidable legal counsel in your defense; timely action is vital in cases of theft, fraud, or other white-collar crimes. A skilled white-collar crime lawyer or theft lawyer from The Valley Law Group can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Our criminal defense attorneys are committed to securing your rights during this difficult time. Our priority is achieving a positive outcome that ensures your freedom.

Why Choose Our Criminal Defense Attorneys?

If you or a loved one has been charged with theft, fraud, or another white-collar crime, the time is now to contact The Valley Law Group. Our team of professional and experienced criminal defense attorneys will hear your concerns, review your case, and determine the best course of action to take to build you a strong defense. We will work diligently to research the facts of your case while passionately defending and protecting your rights. 

At The Valley Law Group, our white-collar crime attorneys, grand theft attorneys, and theft attorneys have a proven track record of successfully defending clients facing any of the complex charges that fall under these categories. Our team can ensure that every aspect of your case is handled with care and professionalism. From our first consultation to sharing your story with the courtroom, you can rest assured that our attorneys will work tirelessly to pursue a positive outcome.

Understanding Theft, Fraud, and White Collar Crime Charges in Arizona

Experiencing the legal proceedings that surround theft, fraud, or white-collar crime charges can leave you feeling anxious and uncertain. This is a key reason why these proceedings require the assistance of a qualified and skilled attorney. With our help, you will develop an understanding of the charges you are facing and how best to mitigate the potential damage to your future freedoms and livelihood. 

The Valley Law Group’s team of theft defense attorneys is committed to preventing you from experiencing the most severe consequences surrounding these charges:

  • Arson – This charge usually occurs when an individual is arrested for deliberately setting fire to a building or property. In some cases, the crime of arson occurs when the individual has the intent to commit fraud (often insurance fraud).
  • Burglary – This charge involves unlawfully entering a building or property with the intent to commit theft or other felony while inside. Burglary does not necessarily include taking things from that property; rather, it only refers to unlawful entrance.
  • Criminal Damage – A criminal damages charge arises from situations where the property of one person has been damaged or defaced by the intentional actions of another individual.
  • Embezzlement – Embezzlement charges result when an individual is suspected of fraudulently appropriating money for their own benefit when they were entrusted with handling that money for another individual, business, or governmental entity.
  • Forgery – Charges related to forgery arise when an individual is allegedly found to be falsifying documents, signatures, or other forms of identification in order to defraud or deceive another individual, business, or government entity.
  • Shoplifting – A charge for shoplifting can occur when someone allegedly steals merchandise or other goods from a retail store or establishment without paying. This charge can include actions such as removing or altering price tags, concealing items in a bag or beneath clothing, and taking items without purchasing them.
  • Theft – This charge typically arises from situations in which one individual takes property from another individual without their permission or consent.
  • Trespassing – A charge of trespassing can occur when someone makes an unauthorized entry onto the property of another person without their permission.
  • Vandalism – This charge involves a deliberate action to destroy or damage another individual’s property.
  • Bribery – A charge of bribery can arise when an individual forces or influences another person into a certain action by offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value in exchange. Often, this crime will arise in a place of business or a government entity.
  • Counterfeiting – This charge involves the manufacturing, production, and distribution of false goods, fake money, or falsified documents with the intention to cause deception and profit in an illegal manner.
  • Credit/Debit Card Fraud – This charge arises in situations where someone has allegedly committed an unauthorized use of credit or debit card information to make purchases.
  • Cyberbullying – These serious charges can occur when one individual allegedly uses electronic communications to bully another person through threats or messages of intimidation.
  • Extortion – This charge typically involves an act to obtain money, services, or property from an individual or some type of entity by way of threats or other forms of coercion.
  • Identity Theft – Identity theft occurs when one individual uses another individual’s personal data, most commonly for their own financial gain.
  • Insurance Fraud – This charge arises from circumstances in which an individual allegedly lies to their insurance company or manipulates information to gain financial benefits they are not entitled to receive.
  • Money Laundering – Money laundering occurs when someone has allegedly concealed the origins of money that has been illegally obtained. Typically, this is done by passing the money through a series of complex bank or commercial transactions.
  • Pyramid Schemes – These charges can be complicated but often arise when an individual has allegedly engaged in a fraudulent scheme that promises high returns if other individuals involved can recruit new members.
  • Racketeering/RICO – These charges arise when it is believed that an organized criminal enterprise has engaged in a pattern of illegal activity, such as bribery, fraud, or extortion, for its own gains.
  • Securities Fraud – Securities fraud charges are levied when an individual has allegedly engaged in deceptive practices in the commodities or stock market.
  • Tax Evasion/Fraud – An individual can be charged with tax evasion or fraud if they allegedly and illegally avoided paying their taxes or engaged in tax schemes that are deemed fraudulent.
  • Telemarketing Fraud – Charges of telemarketing fraud can arise when an individual or business allegedly conducts deceptive or fraudulent sales practices over the phone.
  • Wire Fraud – This charge can occur when fraud has been conducted via electronic means, often involving an engagement in deceptive schemes.
Assault Consquences

If you are facing any of these types of crimes, it is imperative that you are aware of the penalties that could be handed down should you be convicted. Many of these crimes can be charged as felonies on a federal level, especially racketeering, money laundering, tax fraud, extortion, or counterfeiting. In these cases, penalties can include time in federal prison, large fines, and the requirement to pay large amounts of restitution to any victims of the crime.

White-collar crimes can also lead to life-altering consequences such as losing your employment, damaging your reputation in your field of occupation or business, and suffering a loss of credibility amongst your peers, employees, or investors. Likewise, charges for theft can incur significant penalties, which can include substantial fines, jail time, a payment of restitution to the victims of the crime, probation, and community service. 

When you are faced with these potential penalties, consulting with a skilled defense attorney becomes even more imperative. Seeking the counsel of an experienced attorney puts a knowledgeable professional in your corner. The theft and white-collar crime attorneys at The Valley Law Group can work to build a solid defense that can stand up against the prosecution during a potential trial.

Our Comprehensive Theft, Fraud, and White Collar Crime Defense Services

For the greatest chance at successfully navigating your theft, fraud, or white-collar charges, it is crucial to approach these proceedings with robust and professional legal services. At The Valley Law Group, we focus on providing you with comprehensive, compassionate legal care and representation that is tailor-made to fit your unique needs so that your rights are protected, and the most positive outcome is reached.

Jon McCarty
Criminal Defense Attorney, Jon McCarty

Initial Consultation and Case Evaluation

 At The Valley Law Group, every case begins with a consultation, during which we will review your case and the details that surround it. This will help us begin to build a solid base for your defense. We will listen to your recollection of the events, evaluate your situation, and offer our experienced and honest advice. 

Investigation and Evidence Gathering

Our defense team will then focus on investigating the exact circumstances of the alleged crime and the charges brought against you. We will thoroughly review police reports, speak to witnesses, and examine any footage or photographs of the alleged crime. This will help us challenge the prosecution’s case and continue to create a solid defense strategy. 

Negotiation with Prosecutors

With our extensive knowledge of the laws surrounding theft, fraud, or white-collar crime charges, we can negotiate with the prosecutors in your case to pursue alternative means of sentencing or a reduction in charges. Our priority is ensuring that your rights and freedoms are protected during this stage.

Court Representation

If your case proceeds to a trial, we will vigorously represent you with a carefully crafted defense that considers your unique circumstances. Our proven track record of successfully representing clients in court proceeds us, and we will do everything we can to offer you the same service. 

Post-Conviction Support

Our care does not end after the trial is over. If you are convicted of a crime, we can and will go the extra mile to represent your interests during any appeal or attempt at expunging your criminal record. 

The Legal Process for Theft, Fraud, and White Collar Crime Cases

Undertaking the legal process of fighting criminal charges can be a daunting and intimidating experience. At The Valley Law Group, we want to ensure that all our clients are prepared for the road that lies ahead. Below is a step-by-step guide regarding what to expect in the coming months following your charge.

Arrest and Booking

If you have been arrested, you will be brought to the police station and formally booked into the system. This process usually includes fingerprinting, photographing, and collecting your personal information. It is wise to stay calm during this stage and not speak until your attorney is present. 


If a plea deal is not reached, your case will move to trial. During this time, your attorney will deploy the defense they have been working diligently to build for you. Both sides will provide their arguments and evidence, and the court will issue a verdict. Be prepared to allow your attorney to be your voice in court.


At this stage in the process, you will be formally charged, and a plea will be requested from you. This can be a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest. It is crucial that you have your attorney present with you at the time so that they may be able to enter the best possible plea in your case. 


If you are found guilty of the charges brought against you, the judge will issue a sentence that may include fines, incarceration, restitution, or probation. Ensure your willingness to cooperate and show remorse, as this could help you during any future appeals process.

Pre-Trial Business

Following your arraignment, your attorney will meet with the prosecution to file motions and exchange evidence. There may be a need for pre-trial hearings to occur. It is important to stay in contact with your attorney during this time so that any information requested can be delivered promptly.

Post-Conviction Care

In some cases, you may be able to seek an appeal or an expungement of your record. Your attorney can help if applicable, but you must follow the court orders that were handed down in sentencing.

Plea Bargaining or Negotiation

During negotiations with the prosecution, your attorney may be able to secure a reduction of the charges you are facing or seek alternative sentencing. Trusting your attorney’s competence at this stage is crucial.

Frequently Asked Questions

Those who find themselves facing charges on the grounds of theft, fraud, or white-collar crimes often have questions related to these charges. At The Valley Law Group, we understand that these times can be overwhelming and stressful, and we want to do whatever we can to help you begin to resolve those feelings.

Some of the most common questions individuals with white-collar and fraud charges might have include:

How Can I Defend Against Theft Charges?
There are several defenses your attorney might use in your theft case. These can include a lack of intent, entrapment by law enforcement, or an argument proving that the property owner gave you their consent. Your specific defense will depend on the circumstances of the alleged theft.

What Should I Do If I’m Accused of Embezzlement?

If you find yourself accused of embezzlement, the best thing you can do to help yourself is to consult with an experienced white-collar crimes attorney. An attorney can review your case and determine the best course of action to take in your defense. 

What Are the Penalties for White-Collar Crimes in Arizona?
The penalties for white-collar crimes in Arizona typically depend on the nature and severity of the crime, as well as whether the crime will be charged at the state or federal level. These penalties might include federal prison or jail time, fines, victim restitution payments, or probation.

Can Fraud Charges Be Dismissed?
Yes, in some cases, fraud charges may be dismissed if your attorney can prove there is insufficient evidence that the crime was committed or if there was a lack of intent on your part to allegedly commit the crime.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Facing charges for theft, fraud, or white-collar crimes can be a daunting experience. Fortunately, you don’t have to face these charges alone. At The Valley Law Group, our attorneys are prepared to establish the best possible defense, no matter the charges you find yourself facing. Contact our offices today to schedule a free consultation and request a review of your case. We are ready to help you protect your rights and fight for your future.

Client Testimonials

At The Valley Law Group, our team of dedicated and passionate theft crime lawyers has committed to serving clients across the state of Arizona. From the very first meeting, our clients are met with professional and experienced care as we seek the most desirable outcome. We are here to provide the best legal support we can and provide you with the confidence necessary to know you have the right people fighting for you.

Carmen Segura
Carmen Segura
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Wonderful experience knowledge and responsive. Elda and Jonathan were helpful and responsive to all my questions and concerns . I was going to so much stress Elda was great responding to my emails it never took more than 24 hours to get a respond from her. I highly recommend Elda and Jonathan to all my friends and family.
Catherine Dolan
Catherine Dolan
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Thank you Jon for helping me with my case and making me feel comfortable during the proceedings. I appreciate the guidance you provided and legal recommendations so that I could result in the best possible outcome for my situation. I would have been very lost without your help!
Jay Brown
Jay Brown
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Katie is great along with entire team! Very professional and great at what they do. Highly recommend for child custody. I did a lot of research for the right law firm and happy/confident I chose this firm!
Dan Palmer
Dan Palmer
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Simply put, Ryan is outstanding! ! I’ve used his services exclusively for the last 6+ years on multiple custody and visitation cases. After having gone through three less than transparent attorneys before Ryan, it was incredibly refreshing when I found him. He’s courteous, responsive and the utmost professional. Best of all, I feel that I can trust his advice explicitly. A true rarity in this industry! Bottom line: I wouldn’t consider even having a conversation with another attorney!
John Law
John Law
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Ryan did a good job especially considering I didn't have an attorney most of my divorce. I would recommend him, but get him onboard at the beginning not the end.
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The experience and information that was given to me was of great value. Very professional and with a personal touch. I greatly appreciate all their help. Thank you
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