


16165 N. 83rd Avenue, Ste. 200
Peoria, AZ 85382
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(480) 300-6012

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Mon – Fri: 8AM – 6 PM
Saturday: 9AM – 1PM
Sunday: Closed
In Office: By Appointment Only


In the heart of Peoria, Arizona, where family values and community spirit run deep, facing legal family issues can feel particularly daunting. Understanding this, The Valley Law Group extends its compassionate and skilled legal services to the families of Peoria, ensuring that you never have to navigate the complexities of family law alone. Our distinguished family attorneys bring a wealth of experience and a tailored approach to each case, recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities presented within the Peoria community.

Family law matters touch the core of our lives, influencing our closest relationships and personal futures. This is why our Peoria team prioritizes a holistic approach to legal representation, focusing not just on the legal outcomes, but on the emotional and practical repercussions for your family. Whether you’re undergoing a divorce, working through custody arrangements, or any other family law proceedings, our firm is dedicated to achieving resolutions that foster your family’s resilience and long-term well-being.

At The Valley Law Group in Peoria, we stand ready to offer you superior legal aid grounded in empathy, integrity, and a profound understanding of Arizona family law. From the outset, we work diligently to understand your specific situation, crafting strategies that are responsive to your needs and those of your loved ones. Explore how our commitment to personalized support and strategic representation can empower you and your family to move forward with confidence.


In the complex domain of family law, having a knowledgeable family attorney by your side is indispensable. The Valley Law Group in Peoria, Arizona, is home to distinguished family lawyers known for their exceptional legal assistance, tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Our dedication to safeguarding our clients’ rights is unwavering, with a focus on strategic representation and customized support that stands out in the legal community.

Dealing with family law issues—from negotiating custody arrangements to securing protective orders—requires not just legal expertise, but a compassionate approach given the profound personal impact of these cases. Our Peoria firm excels in handling these delicate matters by combining professional rigor with genuine care, ensuring that each client’s case is addressed with the utmost sensitivity. Delve into our comprehensive services and learn how we manage a wide spectrum of family law matters, offering unparalleled advocacy and support to the families of Peoria.


The Valley Law Group is committed to providing the Peoria community with access to extraordinary legal representation and compassionate communication. Our team, handpicked by the award-winning founders Ryan Reppucci and Jonathan Roeder, brings an unparalleled level of service and legal acumen to one of Arizona’s esteemed family law firms. Each member of our Peoria staff has a deep reservoir of experience, a comprehensive set of legal skills, and an unwavering dedication to solving the unique challenges our clients face.

Understanding the importance of serving our diverse community, we also offer bilingual attorneys who are adept at guiding our Spanish-speaking clients through the complexities of family law with clarity and ease.

Boasting over ten highly skilled family law attorneys backed by a team deeply committed to your cause, you can count on The Valley Law Group for unmatched support in family law matters in Peoria, Arizona.


the valley law group team

With a thorough grasp of Arizona family law, our firm is uniquely positioned to tailor our services to the individual needs of our clients. This comprehensive insight allows us to support a wide array of family law practice areas, enabling us to assist clients facing various challenges to strive for the best possible outcomes. Whether navigating the delicate nuances of custody arrangements or the intricacies of divorce proceedings, our Peoria attorneys are here to guide you through every step, ensuring your case is handled with the expertise and sensitivity it deserves.

Our Peoria, Arizona, family law firm is proficient in providing services across the following legal arenas:

Experienced Divorce Attorneys 

Navigating through a divorce involves addressing numerous intricate matters that separating spouses must resolve. Unfortunately, these issues often lead to disputes that might require court intervention. However, with the assistance of a dedicated divorce attorney, many separating couples find they can address their concerns amicably through mediation or negotiation, thus avoiding the complexities of court proceedings. In instances where litigation becomes inevitable, it is imperative to have a knowledgeable divorce attorney to represent your interests.

At The Valley Law Group, our Peoria family lawyers possess extensive experience in facilitating a broad spectrum of divorce cases.

We are acutely aware of how daunting and complex such situations can be and are equipped to guide you through every aspect of divorce-related challenges, including:

Child Custody Legal Assistance

Child Custody When parents in Peoria decide to divorce, they are faced with making critical decisions about their children’s living arrangements, caregiving, and the legal rights to make decisions on their behalf. These crucial topics, known as “parenting time” and “decision-making,” represent the distinct rights parents have concerning their children. They encompass both the physical and legal facets of child custody, which are often the most contested issues in divorce agreements today. The assistance of our experienced legal team is vital to successfully navigate and achieve the desired outcomes in such sensitive matters.

In Arizona, the protection of minors involved in legal proceedings is paramount. This means that all court decisions are made with the child’s best interests as the primary consideration, rather than the preferences of the parents. Our Peoria-based attorneys are highly skilled and have first-hand experience in handling child custody disputes, ready to advocate vigorously for both you and your child’s welfare.

Our firm also offers support in various custody-related matters, including:

Legal Child Support Help

After addressing child custody issues, the focus of divorce proceedings in Peoria will shift to matters of child support. Typically, in scenarios where one parent is granted the majority of parenting time or sole custody, the noncustodial parent is required to pay child support to aid in the child’s upbringing. On the other hand, when parenting time is equally shared, the calculation of child support becomes more complex, often depending heavily on the incomes of both parents.

Resolving child support disputes can be daunting, particularly in the midst of a contentious divorce. If you are in need of expert guidance on child support cases, The Valley Law Group in Peoria is here to facilitate a fair resolution.

We provide support with:

Domestic Violence Lawyers

At The Valley Law Group in Peoria, we handle cases of domestic violence with the highest level of seriousness and empathy. We uphold the belief that everyone has the right to feel safe, regardless of their current circumstances. If you or someone close to you has been subjected to harm or threats of domestic violence in Peoria, it’s imperative to seek help immediately. Our dedicated legal team is committed to implementing effective measures to safeguard you and your family.

If you’re in need of an injunction against harassment or an order of protection, our Peoria office is prepared to offer the necessary support. We urge you to schedule a consultation with our experienced family law attorneys in Peoria, AZ, as soon as possible.


Marital Agreements

In Peoria, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements serve as valuable legal frameworks for couples looking to secure their assets and define specific terms under certain eventualities. Previously viewed with skepticism as indicators of a marriage’s potential failure, these marital agreements are now recognized as prudent tools for asset protection in contemporary matrimonial settings.

Arizona’s designation as a community property state further underscores the significance of such agreements, given the state’s approach to property division upon divorce. For those entering into marriage with considerable personal assets or pre-existing debts, drafting a prenuptial agreement to outline the handling of these elements in the event of a divorce is a critical step. This strategy aims to safeguard your financial well-being in case of unexpected developments. Our renowned family law attorneys in Peoria have a wealth of experience in preparing a multitude of marital agreements, helping clients both create new agreements and evaluate the enforceability of existing ones.

Prenups Valid in Arizona

Juvenile Law Services

Juvenile law stands out as a specialized field distinct from general family or criminal law in Peoria. It covers two principal areas: one focusing on the relationship between minors and their guardians, and the other on addressing criminal offenses committed by minors. In the realm of minor-guardian relationships, the emphasis is on protecting the well-being of minors and establishing legal orders to ensure they receive care that aligns with their best interests. For instance, in cases of adoption, the court will undertake extensive evaluations to guarantee that the child is placed in a secure, state-approved home.

The other aspect of juvenile law deals with offenses committed by minors, prioritizing rehabilitation over punitive actions, thereby differing markedly from the consequences faced by adults. Grasping the intricacies of juvenile law can be daunting, but our proficient juvenile lawyers in Peoria are equipped to provide clarity and expert legal representation.

Our services encompass:

Family Law Appeals in Peoria

Receiving a judge’s ruling that doesn’t go your way can feel like a significant setback. However, it’s important to remember that all is not lost. In many cases, you have the opportunity to appeal a decision made about your divorce, or any other order from family court. To initiate this process, you must submit an appeal to the Peoria family court within 30 days after the order has taken effect. For an appellate court to consider hearing your case, you need to provide a well-founded argument on why the matter deserves another examination.

Should you need to appeal a family court decision in Peoria, the expertise of The Valley Law Group can be invaluable. Our attorneys are adept at reviewing the specifics of your situation and formulating a compelling case to support your appeal. By leveraging our experience, you enhance your chances of overturning the initial decision and securing a more favorable resolution.



Over the years, The Valley Law Group has established a stellar reputation in Peoria and throughout Arizona for legal excellence. Our firm is driven by a fervent passion for justice, an unwavering commitment to our clients, and a thorough understanding of family law, which collectively enable us to assist our clients in achieving positive outcomes in their family court cases.

Here’s what our clients have to say about their experiences with The Valley Law Group in Peoria:



Engaging with The Valley Law Group in Peoria for your family law issues positions you to benefit from the expertise and advocacy of a dedicated legal team. Our presence in Peoria affords our clients numerous advantages, thanks to our comprehensive approach to family law services. Below are key benefits that come with choosing our renowned attorneys for your representation.

Vast Family Law Knowledge

For many involved in family law disputes, the intricacies of such matters are often unfamiliar terrain. It’s challenging to know how best to proceed or even if court intervention is necessary. Our family law attorneys in Peoria offer invaluable insights into Arizona law as it pertains to your case. Leveraging our extensive legal understanding, we evaluate your situation to identify effective strategies aimed at achieving your objectives.

Strong Negotiation Abilities

In the realm of family law, negotiation is a fundamental aspect, essential for resolving disputes out of court or preparing for trial scenarios. Effective negotiation can significantly impact the outcomes of issues like child custody or asset division. Our Peoria attorneys excel in negotiation, ensuring your interests are robustly represented, thereby maximizing the likelihood of a favorable resolution.

The Valley Law Group

Familiarity with Legal Documents and Arizona Courts

Our attorneys’ expertise is not limited to legal strategy but extends to the meticulous management of necessary documentation for your case. We ensure all paperwork is accurately prepared, completed, and filed according to strict deadlines. Furthermore, our familiarity with the Peoria family court system and relevant Arizona statutes guarantees that your case is managed in strict adherence to state regulations.

Powerful Courtroom Representation

Advocating for your interests in court requires more than just legal knowledge; it demands a strategic, persuasive representation tailored to your unique needs. Our attorneys in Peoria are adept at providing this level of service, focusing on presenting your case in the most compelling light possible.

Personalized Representation

The complexities of family law cases demand attention to detail and a personalized approach. Recognizing this, The Valley Law Group is committed to offering individualized support that addresses the specific nuances of your case. Our empathetic, bespoke guidance not only influences the outcome positively but also simplifies the legal process for all parties involved, making challenging times more bearable.


The Valley Law Group is your dedicated family law ally in Peoria, AZ, passionately defending our clients’ rights and interests. With a broad range of practice areas that include everything from complex divorce cases to child support and custody issues, we are committed to guiding Arizona families through their most difficult moments with compassion and expertise.

If you’re seeking a family law firm in Peoria, Arizona, that stands by your side, look no further than The Valley Law Group. We offer a free consultation with our leading AZ family lawyers to help you start navigating your legal challenges. Schedule your consultation today to learn how we can join forces to secure the outcome you need.


the valley law group team

Learn More About Our Services

Our Team is ready to advocate for you

Our team delivers world-class legal services to Arizonans in need through scrupulous attention to detail, time-tested best practices, and unfailing devotion to client service. Our award-winning attorneys understand that service begins and ends with them, and we are fortunate to enjoy positive, lasting relationships with our clients, both large and small. Contact us today and learn what a difference it makes to have the right people in your corner.


Carmen Segura
Carmen Segura
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Wonderful experience knowledge and responsive. Elda and Jonathan were helpful and responsive to all my questions and concerns . I was going to so much stress Elda was great responding to my emails it never took more than 24 hours to get a respond from her. I highly recommend Elda and Jonathan to all my friends and family.
Catherine Dolan
Catherine Dolan
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Thank you Jon for helping me with my case and making me feel comfortable during the proceedings. I appreciate the guidance you provided and legal recommendations so that I could result in the best possible outcome for my situation. I would have been very lost without your help!
Hannah Ridinger
Hannah Ridinger
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I could not be happier with The Valley Law Group. My case was handled effectively and efficiently. I am very grateful for Cory Keith and the rest of the group. Thank you!
Dan Palmer
Dan Palmer
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Simply put, Ryan is outstanding! ! I’ve used his services exclusively for the last 6+ years on multiple custody and visitation cases. After having gone through three less than transparent attorneys before Ryan, it was incredibly refreshing when I found him. He’s courteous, responsive and the utmost professional. Best of all, I feel that I can trust his advice explicitly. A true rarity in this industry! Bottom line: I wouldn’t consider even having a conversation with another attorney!
John Law
John Law
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Ryan did a good job especially considering I didn't have an attorney most of my divorce. I would recommend him, but get him onboard at the beginning not the end.
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The experience and information that was given to me was of great value. Very professional and with a personal touch. I greatly appreciate all their help. Thank you
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