
Top Drug Crime Attorneys in Arizona

Are you facing a drug charge?

OUR Drug Offense Lawyers Are Ready To Fight For You!

Drug Crimes

If you have been arrested on drug crime charges in Arizona, you need the legal assistance of an experienced and trusted drug offense lawyer. Penalties resulting from drug charges are often serious and could include jail or prison time, fines, criminal records, or the inability to possess or purchase a firearm. These charges may also keep you from pursuing education or occupation opportunities and may even impact where you can live. When these circumstances arise, an attorney for drug possession charges can help. 

If you find yourself charged with drug possession or other related drug crimes, a drug charges lawyer from The Valley Law Group is committed to protecting your rights, freedoms, and future during these difficult times. 

In these cases, the prosecution must be able to prove that you committed every element of the charge brought against you beyond a reasonable doubt. If the jury or judge involved in your case experiences even the smallest amount of doubt, the charges brought against you might be reduced or even dismissed. This is why it is essential to seek representation from an experienced criminal defense attorney who can craft a formidable defense. 

Why Choose Our Criminal Defense Attorneys?

When you are facing serious drug crime charges in Arizona, a solid defense is vital to the protection of your freedoms and rights. At The Valley Law Group, our award-winning attorneys have the experience necessary to offer a comprehensive and personalized approach to every criminal case we represent. We are prepared to do our due diligence by researching the facts of your arrest and charges and exhausting every single one of your available legal options.

Our skilled attorneys are committed to your case and will bring their proven track record of success to handle every aspect of your situation. Our team can ensure that your defense is tailored to the type of charges you are facing and the unique circumstances of those charges. Whether these charges are for drug trafficking, possession, or manufacturing, we are ready to fight aggressively for your rights.

Understanding Drug-Related Charges in Arizona

Navigating the complex criminal justice system for drug-related charges requires the skill and experience of a drug lawyer from The Valley Law Group. Our team of trusted attorneys is adept at building strong defenses that can hold up in a court of law. We are prepared to advocate for your rights and the justice you deserve.

Types of drug charges that our team defends include:

  • Drug Manufacturing and Cultivation – Any production or growth of an illegal drug or controlled substance may be considered manufacturing and cultivation.
  • Drug Possession – Any type of control or possession of an illegal drug or controlled substance is illegal in the state of Arizona.
  • Drug Trafficking and Distribution – If an individual was allegedly found selling, importing, or transporting illegal drugs or controlled substances through or into Arizona, trafficking or distribution charges are imminent.
  • DUI with Drugs – This charge can occur when an individual is allegedly found to be operating a motorized vehicle while under the influence or impairment of an illegal drug or controlled substance. This can include prescription medication in certain situations.
  • Marijuana Possession or Use – This charge can be brought against an individual who is allegedly found possessing marijuana in a public space or possessing it with the intent to sell.
  • Minor in Possession (MIP) – These charges can occur when an individual who is still considered a minor is found to be in possession of an illegal drug or controlled substance.

These are just a few of the types of charges you could face for drug-related crimes. However, there are many mitigating circumstances that could affect these charges. In addition, drug charges could be added to a variety of other criminal charges. Regardless of the details of your arrest, you should seek legal help as soon as possible.

Each drug charge carries the potential for different penalties. The State of Arizona seeks to crack down on criminal drug activity within the state and has, therefore, created penalties that seek to maximize the potential for criminal behavior. However, an accusation does not mean a conviction, and the circumstances of each case are not always clear. Ensuring you have the proper defense can help you avoid a costly conviction with an unfair penalty.

Drug charges in Arizona can often result in fines, jail or prison time, and the loss of employment or future employment opportunities. According to Arizona law, there is typically a range of penalties for these charges.

Certain factors might affect the severity of the punishment, including:

  • Whether the offense had aggravating factors, like excessive violence, weapon use, or other severe circumstances
  • Whether or not the offense involved a minor
  • The amount of the substance involved
  • What schedule drug was involved
  • Whether or not the offender is a repeat offender
Drug charges in Arizona

Penalties for drug-related misdemeanors or felony charges involving drugs that are considered non-dangerous can include:

  • Class 1, resulting in possible penalties of up to six months in jail, three years on probation, and $2,500 in fines
  • Class 2, resulting in possible penalties of a jail sentence lasting anywhere from four to 10 years
  • Class 3, resulting in possible penalties of a jail sentence lasting anywhere from 30 months to seven years
  • Class 4, resulting in possible penalties of a jail sentence lasting anywhere from 18 months to three years
  • Class 5, resulting in possible penalties of a jail sentence lasting anywhere from nine months to two years
  • Class 6, resulting in possible penalties of a jail sentence lasting anywhere from six to 18 months

Penalties for drug-related misdemeanors or felony charges involving drugs that are considered dangerous can include:

  • Class 1, resulting in penalties that can include a jail sentence of up to six months, probation lasting up to three years, and a fine of $2,500
  • Class 2, resulting in penalties that can include a jail sentence ranging anywhere from seven to 21 years
  • Class 3, resulting in penalties that can include a jail sentence ranging anywhere from five to 15 years
  • Class 4, resulting in penalties that can include a jail sentence ranging anywhere from four to eight years
  • Class 5, resulting in penalties that can include a jail sentence ranging anywhere from two to four years
  • Class 6, resulting in penalties that can include a jail sentence ranging anywhere from 18 months to three years

If convicted, the specific drug charges and resulting penalties could also include a fine of at least $2,000, probation, or completing a specified amount of community service hours. 


Our Comprehensive Drug Crime Defense Services

When dealing with drug-related criminal charges, you deserve a legal defense that is tailored directly to the nuances of your case. The team at The Valley Law Group offers a full spectrum of drug crime defense services that are adapted to fit your unique situation and the charges you are facing. Our Arizona drug crimes attorneys can help ensure each of these essential phases of your case proceeds smoothly.
Jon McCarty
Criminal Defense Attorney, Jon McCarty

Initial Consultation and Case Evaluation

To begin the process of serving and representing you, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the charges and listen to you tell your side of the story. We will review your charges and present the possible defenses that can be deployed in your case. This step will ensure a full understanding of the charges brought against you and how we can tailor your defense to your needs. 

Investigation and Evidence Gathering

Your defense will be built on a strong base of concrete evidence and a meticulous investigation of the incident in which these charges were brought against you. Our attorneys will work diligently to ensure we have conducted a thorough exploration of all avenues available to us to challenge the prosecution’s alleged evidence. 

Negotiation with Prosecutors

Negotiating your sentencing and the charges being brought against you is a large part of what we do. In fact, it is what we excel at. With our experience and knowledge of the law, we can seek g a reduction in your charges or look into any potential sentencing alternatives.

Court Representation

If your case proceeds to a court trial, our attorneys will fight to protect your rights, interests, and freedoms. Our proven track record of successful case outcomes can offer you the confidence necessary to walk into these high-stress situations and know that you have someone on your side.

Post-Conviction Support

At The Valley Law Group, our care doesn’t stop when your trial is complete. Our drug lawyers are there for you following any potential conviction and assist you in undertaking any consequences that result from a potential conviction. We can help you pursue the reinstatement of your driver’s license, explore expunging any necessary records, and comply with any court-ordered action.

No matter which stage of the criminal justice process you are in, you can count on the attorneys at The Valley Law Group to support you. We understand that your future is on the line – don’t let a simple mistake cost you your future.

The Legal Process for Drug Crime Cases

Going through the complicated steps involved in drug crime cases can seem daunting and intimidating. By ensuring you understand the legal proceedings involved, our attorneys can help you feel confident and reassured that there is someone on your side who cares. This step-by-step guide is the first step in empowering you to take control of your circumstances.

Arrest and Booking

If you are arrested for drug charges, you will be taken into police custody and booked at the law enforcement station. This step typically involves photographing, fingerprinting, and recording your personal information. It is important to stay calm and wait for legal counsel to arrive.


During this step, you will be formally charged, and an entered plea will be requested from you and your legal team. This will be your first appearance in court. Keep in mind that having an attorney on your side during this time to help you determine the correct plea to enter is essential.

Proceedings Pre-Trial

Your attorney will then move to file motions and exchange evidence with the prosecution. There might be a need for pre-trial hearings to discuss this evidence. During this time, it is vital that you stay in contact with your attorney and provide them with any information they request from you.

Plea Bargaining

Your attorney may be able to reduce your charge or lessen the sentence you could face by negotiating a plea with the prosecution. This is not the time to doubt your attorney’s ability to fight for you.


If a plea deal is not realistic, your case will go to trial before a judge and jury. Evidence and witnesses can be examined, and arguments from both sides will be made. A verdict will then be determined. Follow all of your attorney’s instructions during this time.


The judge will then make a decision regarding your penalties if you are found to be guilty. It is important to comply with whatever the court orders and show remorse.


In some cases, you may have the ability to seek an appeal or expungement following a conviction. It is essential to follow all court orders and keep in contact with your attorney during this time.

The criminal justice process may seem simple on the surface, but at each stage, there are setbacks, complications, and challenges that may be difficult to prepare for. However, with your honesty regarding the circumstances of your charges and your attorney’s knowledge of the law, you and your legal team can prepare for any challenges that may come your way.

Drug Crimes Frequently Asked Questions

Those facing drug crime-related charges have a variety of questions when dealing with the legalities surrounding a potential conviction. Here are some of the most common that you may have.
How to Get Drug Possession Charges Dropped?
Drug possession charges may be dropped if your lawyer can prove certain evidence was obtained during an illegal search and seizure, that the crime law analysis of evidence was faulty, that the drugs were planted or belonged to someone else, or that you experienced police entrapment.
What Are the Defenses Against Drug Trafficking Charges?
There are several defenses that can be used in the case of drug trafficking charges. These include a lack of intent, police misconduct, being forced to commit a crime under duress, police entrapment, or an illegal search and seizure.
Can a Drug Paraphernalia Charge Be Dismissed?
The most common way to have a drug paraphernalia charge dismissed is for your legal team to prove that there is no existence of probable cause. The burden of proof is on the prosecution. Our team uses the evidence and facts of your case to prove that there are holes in that argument and create doubt. If doubt or legal misconduct can be proven prior to trial, your charges could be dropped.
What Should I Do If I’m Accused of Drug Possession?
If you find yourself accused of drug possession charges, the first thing you should do is contact an attorney from The Valley Law Group so that we can begin building you a strong defense as soon as possible.
You may have many other questions related to the legal process, the charges against you, or even your rights. No matter what questions you may have, The Valley Law Group has the answers you need. We use the evidence, police report, the details you provide, and more to fight back against the charges against you in an effort to seek acquittal, a reduction of charges, or an outright dismissal.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Navigating the complexities of a drug crime-related charge in Arizona can leave you feeling anxious, frustrated, and alone, but with our team, you can gain the clarity and support you need. Contact the offices of The Valley Law Group to schedule a free consultation today, and let us review your case. We are ready to protect your rights, freedoms, and future and fight for the most positive potential outcome.



Carmen Segura
Carmen Segura
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Wonderful experience knowledge and responsive. Elda and Jonathan were helpful and responsive to all my questions and concerns . I was going to so much stress Elda was great responding to my emails it never took more than 24 hours to get a respond from her. I highly recommend Elda and Jonathan to all my friends and family.
Catherine Dolan
Catherine Dolan
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Thank you Jon for helping me with my case and making me feel comfortable during the proceedings. I appreciate the guidance you provided and legal recommendations so that I could result in the best possible outcome for my situation. I would have been very lost without your help!
Jay Brown
Jay Brown
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Katie is great along with entire team! Very professional and great at what they do. Highly recommend for child custody. I did a lot of research for the right law firm and happy/confident I chose this firm!
Dan Palmer
Dan Palmer
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Simply put, Ryan is outstanding! ! I’ve used his services exclusively for the last 6+ years on multiple custody and visitation cases. After having gone through three less than transparent attorneys before Ryan, it was incredibly refreshing when I found him. He’s courteous, responsive and the utmost professional. Best of all, I feel that I can trust his advice explicitly. A true rarity in this industry! Bottom line: I wouldn’t consider even having a conversation with another attorney!
John Law
John Law
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Ryan did a good job especially considering I didn't have an attorney most of my divorce. I would recommend him, but get him onboard at the beginning not the end.
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The experience and information that was given to me was of great value. Very professional and with a personal touch. I greatly appreciate all their help. Thank you
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