Court processes can be lengthy, expensive, and even triggering depending on the subject matter of the trial or the circumstances surrounding the proceedings. Many people view the prospect of attending court as intimidating and stressful, but it doesn’t need to be this way. If you are prepared with the proper attire, knowledgeable about etiquette and behavior expectations, and equipped with an understanding of the people you will interact with, your fears can greatly decrease.
In fact, it’s important to face the experience head-on with the assistance of an experienced family law attorney. You’ll find that when your decision-making skills are uncompromised and your communication style is more professional, your demeanor can positively impact the judge’s ruling. The team at The Valley Law Group can help prepare you to appear confident and professional, including a thorough idea of how to speak in court. In addition, we’ll provide you with information on the roles of each person in the courtroom.
We have worked with hundreds of clients over the years to ensure they feel confident and prepared to enter the courtroom, and we hope you will take the time to peruse and practice some of these tips and strategies.
How To Best Present Yourself in a Courtroom
One of the most nerve-wracking questions people ask our team when faced with appearing in court is this: how do you present yourself in a courtroom? Presentation in the courtroom can actually refer to a variety of physical, appearance-based aspects as well as your emotional demeanor and your communication style. The easiest way to begin preparing for a courtroom appearance is to start with your physical presentation so that you make a positive first impression when you first walk in. Proper dress can help you inspire confidence, both from yourself as well as the other individuals of the court throughout the proceedings.
Appearing in a courtroom is akin to attending a business or formal occasion. It requires attendees to be clean, neat, and tidy, which shows those present that you take the situation seriously, have respect for yourself, and believe in the validity of your case.
Before appearing in court, make sure you bathe so that your body, face, hands, and hair are clean. Head and facial hair should be tidy: combed, brushed, and cleaned in a professional and classic style that will not distract from the elements of your case. A tidy appearance also includes clean clothing. Your future is at stake when you appear in family court, and it is imperative that you dress appropriately with dignity and formality. Your goal is to project an image of yourself as prepared, professional, and dedicated to getting the outcome you deserve. This means choosing clothing that would fit the part of a business meeting or another formal occasion.
For more information about how to dress for court, consult our guide here.
How Do I Make Myself Look Good in Court?
From start to finish, making yourself look good in court means more than dressing well. In fact, looking good is just as much about how you conduct yourself in the courtroom and how well-prepared you are to participate in the requirements of court. The impression you give to others in the courtroom officially begins with your entrance into the courtroom and ideally ends with the verdict that will most positively impact your future well-being.
Learn more about how to prepare, how to enter the courtroom, how to wait for your case, who may be present during your hearing, and communication etiquette.
Preparing for Court
In the weeks leading up to your court appearance, it is essential to prepare. Start by gathering the necessary documents and organizing them so you will be able to refer to them if needed. In addition, prepare an outline of your case and include a blank notepad to jot down notes to refer back to as your case proceeds. Be sure to include clean copies of all court documents and pleadings reproduced in triplicate.
As your court date approaches, spend plenty of time reviewing your case with your family court attorney. If you can, rehearse with a friend or family member the night before. Familiarity with your case will help you appear polished and prepared before the judge.
The morning of your appearance, eat a filling, healthy breakfast that includes protein and simple sugars (like fruit) to ensure you have the energy to sustain focus and functionality. Plan to bring a small snack like a protein bar and a bottle of water in the event that you are unable to eat before your appearance. Avoid caffeine, as it can make you appear jittery and force the need for a restroom break.
Entering the Courtroom
Entering the courtroom is your chance to make an outstanding first impression, so make sure your arrival is punctual. Timeliness is a basic yet crucial courtesy, but it is even more important during court when tardiness can result in the need to move your court date. It is advisable to arrive well before your hearing time so that you may be seated and ready when your case is called.
If you are late, the judge will not be interested in hearing an excuse, however valid you may think it is. Unfortunately, the impression you give will not be favorable to the outcome of your case. For this reason, anticipate there may be traffic or other delays en route and plan to arrive at least 45 minutes early to respect the court’s time. Arriving even earlier to sit in on other open court proceedings will allow you to begin to feel comfortable in the courtroom setting and get a sense for how your own case will proceed – just be sure to avoid bringing metal objects, which can cause delays with the court’s metal detector equipment.
Individuals Present in the Courtroom
In family court proceedings, you can expect to see other individuals, their families, and their attorneys who are waiting for their cases to be called, as well as a family court judge, a bailiff who maintains the security and safety of the courtroom and removes any disruptive entities, and possibly a court reporter. An interpreter may also be available for people who need English translation services. All courts have clerks as well. The clerk keeps track of the decisions or orders that the judge makes during court and keeps a schedule of each day’s cases to ensure the proceedings transition in a timely fashion.
Waiting for Your Case
Any paperwork you need should be on your person in an organizer, folder, satchel, or briefcase, ready for access should you need it. However, your cell phone should be switched off or at least put on silent mode – a ringing cell phone can irritate the judge and may even necessitate the bailiff holding your phone until you are ready to leave the courtroom.
Look at the wall display listing the court’s docket for the day and identify your case number. Your attorney should give your case number to the bailiff or clerk of court assistant and enter it onto the docket slip before entry. Upon entering the courtroom, always maintain silence even if there is no hearing in progress. Be aware that courtrooms are “live” and that your movements and speech are being recorded.
When the judge enters the courtroom, you are obligated to rise and stay standing while they take their seat. You must also rise whenever the judge leaves the courtroom. Before your case begins, the judge may identify which parties are present and how long your case may take. If it is close to lunch or another mandatory break, you may be asked to return after the break.
Presenting Your Case
Your documents should be ready to present to the judge, and if you have hired an attorney to represent your case, they will handle the organization and copying of all documents and photographs. When speaking to the judge, always stand, face them, and address them as “your honor.”
The hearing or trial will proceed as follows:
- The judge will ask you and the other party to make opening statements. In family court, this often refers to a proposed order of child support, a parenting plan, or a trial or hearing brief. The plaintiff of the hearing will speak first, followed by the defendant or non-moving party.
- The judge will then allow the plaintiff to call any of their witnesses to testify, and the defendant may ask questions, also known as cross-examination. This process is then repeated by the defendant; both parties must follow specific rules pertaining to which types of evidence are applicable. After all evidence and witnesses are presented and cross-examined, the judge may ask additional questions before handing down a ruling.
Professional Communication in Court
Many of our clients have asked our legal team questions such as, “How do I speak professionally in court?” or “How do I sound professional in court?” Considering these questions prior to your court date will allow you to more adequately prepare to communicate clearly and effectively when the day arrives.
Addressing the Judge with Respect
Be direct and respectful when addressing the judge, and always refer to them as “Your Honor.” If you do not know the answer to a question posed to you by the judge, it is completely appropriate to admit this. If you need time to answer a question, rushing is not required, as a measured response with your unique perspective and accurate information is imperative. On the other hand, a timely response is essential – don’t delay or dodge the judge’s questions or volunteer information unrelated to the question at hand.
In addition, avoid addressing the other party or their attorney. Instead, calmly and respectfully address the judge.
Keeping Your Physical and Emotional Composure
You may feel a variety of emotions during the proceedings, ranging from anger to grief and even triumph, but you must strive to present a calm, collected demeanor while allowing the other parties to say their piece. If you interrupt the judge or opposing attorney or answer the other party directly, you appear disrespectful and aggressive, perhaps even irresponsible. If you wish to ask a clarifying question, simply wait your turn or inquire if you may speak again for the purpose of enhancing your understanding.
In addition, it is essential to be mindful of your body language. Avoid rolling your eyes, shaking your head, or otherwise responding to the other party’s claims, no matter how ludicrous they may seem. Instead, simply wait for your turn and maintain eye contact with the judge. You’ll appear calm, rational, and trustworthy.
Honesty, Sincerity, and Success
A hearing or trial is an opportunity to be sincere about your desire for the outcome of the case and be prepared to state dates, times, and places with exactness. The judge needs to have enough information to make a competent and fair ruling, and they will be more inclined to rule in your favor if you speak loudly and clearly, with succinctness and courtesy, both in the courtroom and in the hallways outside. When the judge hands down a ruling, no matter the outcome, remain respectful and deferential.
The Valley Law Legal Team Can Help You Succeed
Hiring a skilled attorney from a dedicated legal firm is a phenomenal way to help ensure your preparation is on point. The Valley Law Group has built an outstanding reputation in Phoenix and Gilbert, AZ, and we stand by our ability to advocate for our clients every step of the way through the family court system.
We understand that emotions run high in cases involving families, children, and the future financial and emotional well-being of yourself and your loved ones. We promise to work with you from start to finish, beginning with an evaluation of your case and then building a strong argument in your favor. To find out how our team can help you move forward, schedule a consultation today.
Jonathan Roeder, Founder/Director of Marketing of The Valley Law Group, is an Arizona native who has dedicated his life and career to the service of others. After graduating salutatorian of his high school class, Jonathan attended beautiful and prestigious Pepperdine University, where he majored in Political Science. During his tenure at Pepperdine University, his passion for helping others grew after securing a clinical position with a residential treatment center for juveniles with substance addictions. Post-graduation, Jonathan returned to Arizona and served as a residential manager for mentally and physically disabled homes.
Read More About Jonathan Roeder