
Author: Ryan Reppucci

Conflict Mediation and Arizona Family Law

Mediation and Arizona Family Law

Serious conflict within your relationship or family can be a devastating situation that requires legal measures to move forward. However, if proceeding directly to litigation

Taking a Proactive Approach to Debt Division

Debt and Divorce in Arizona

When a married couple proceeds with divorce, there are several sensitive matters to address. Those commonly mentioned are child custody and visitation arrangements, division of

Stages of Spousal Abuse

Stages of Spousal Abuse

Spousal abuse in any form is a highly serious issue that impacts all members of the family. If you are on the receiving end of spousal abuse, you do not have to endure years of trauma in your marriage. It is always best to reach out to experienced social service and legal professionals who have the tools to get you to safety and guide you through the process of filing for divorce and orders of protection (sometimes referred to as a “restraining orders”). 

Enforcing Unpaid Child Support in Arizona

Enforcing Unpaid Child Support in Arizona

While navigating a divorce, many different things must be decided between you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. While the division of assets can become difficult and complicated, child custody is often the most contentious matter to resolve. In addition, child support is often difficult to negotiate and, at times, enforce.

Considering a Gray Divorce in Arizona

Considering a Gray Divorce in Arizona

Deciding to pursue a divorce is never easy. Divorce means you’ll face significant life changes, including changes in your living arrangements, finances, and your relationships with friends and family. However, you’ll likely experience an additional layer of complication if you’re seeking a divorce later in life.

Child Custody Decisions

Does a Child Have a Say in an AZ Divorce?

A divorce is an already intimidating process that can become even more daunting when children are involved. Because the separation of parents includes a variety of complicated decisions that can affect the child, from dividing assets to determining a child’s custody, it’s crucial to take the child’s voice into consideration through all of it. A child’s physical and emotional health needs to be one of the top priorities in any divorce involving a custody battle. This leaves many parents wondering if there is a legal age their child can make a custody decision here in Arizona.

Conflict Mediation and Arizona Family Law

Mediation and Arizona Family Law

Serious conflict within your relationship or family can be a devastating situation that requires legal measures to move forward. However, if proceeding directly to litigation

Taking a Proactive Approach to Debt Division

Debt and Divorce in Arizona

When a married couple proceeds with divorce, there are several sensitive matters to address. Those commonly mentioned are child custody and visitation arrangements, division of

Stages of Spousal Abuse

Stages of Spousal Abuse

Spousal abuse in any form is a highly serious issue that impacts all members of the family. If you are on the receiving end of spousal abuse, you do not have to endure years of trauma in your marriage. It is always best to reach out to experienced social service and legal professionals who have the tools to get you to safety and guide you through the process of filing for divorce and orders of protection (sometimes referred to as a “restraining orders”). 

Enforcing Unpaid Child Support in Arizona

Enforcing Unpaid Child Support in Arizona

While navigating a divorce, many different things must be decided between you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse. While the division of assets can become difficult and complicated, child custody is often the most contentious matter to resolve. In addition, child support is often difficult to negotiate and, at times, enforce.

Considering a Gray Divorce in Arizona

Considering a Gray Divorce in Arizona

Deciding to pursue a divorce is never easy. Divorce means you’ll face significant life changes, including changes in your living arrangements, finances, and your relationships with friends and family. However, you’ll likely experience an additional layer of complication if you’re seeking a divorce later in life.

Child Custody Decisions

Does a Child Have a Say in an AZ Divorce?

A divorce is an already intimidating process that can become even more daunting when children are involved. Because the separation of parents includes a variety of complicated decisions that can affect the child, from dividing assets to determining a child’s custody, it’s crucial to take the child’s voice into consideration through all of it. A child’s physical and emotional health needs to be one of the top priorities in any divorce involving a custody battle. This leaves many parents wondering if there is a legal age their child can make a custody decision here in Arizona.

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